Saturday, May 30, 2009

Symptoms of swine flu

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County. Details are sketchy, but troopers say the accident happened Saturday on Colorado 14 in Poudre Canyon, west of Ted's Place and northwest of Fort Collins From FACT E-mail List: Our Government is out to "protect " everyone so that soon no one can learn that there are effective ways to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases such as to support the immune system. There is MUCH we can do besides hand washing and antiviral medication. Selling ultravio ... Meksika'da ortaya çıkan ve toplam 81 kişinin ölümüne neden olduğu sanılan, ABD'de de 10 kadar vakaya rastlanan domuz gribinin dünyaya yayılmasından endişe ediliyor. Domuz gribi hakkındaki bazı bilgiler şöyle: DOMUZ GRİBİ NEDİR? Domuz gribi, normalde domuzlarda görülen A tipi grip virüsünün yol açtığı bir solunum hastalığı olarak biliniyor ve bu hastalık hızla yayılabiliyor. İNSANA BULAŞIR MI? Domuz gribi domuzdan insana ve insandan insana bulaşabiliyor. Virüse karşı insanın doğ


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Got better h1n1 without tamiflu

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GO CORRESPONDENT The government claims to have taken necessary steps to combat swine flu. Here's what you need to know about the latest dreaded disease to hit the human populace. THE GOVERNMENT has initiated steps to combat swine flu, which has got the World Health Organisation (WHO) on pandemic ale ... The full transcript of Obama's third press conference on April 29, 2009: President Obama: Please, be seated. Before we begin tonight, I just want to provide everyone with a few brief updates on some of the challenges we're dealing with right now. First, we are continuing to closely monitor the emerg ...

Author: MiddleEastNews
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Added: May 1, 2009